Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Top Ten Businesses the Smart Phone is Destroying

1. i certainly am not because i don't have a use for the smart phone. I will continue too buy mp3 players because i don't like listening to music on my phone because a phone is a communication device not a music system. I also plan to use remote controls, PCs, video games, and digital cameras just the same because i don't see the need for a smart phone because what happens if your smart phone breaks you lose EVERYTHING.

2. Like I previously stated if your smart phone breaks you lose everything, not just your phone you lose your mp3, camera, GPS, PDA, etc. Which is why i think it is better to have a bunch of other things.

3. It makes everything more manageable and people can use their time more efficiently.

4. My time i think the greatest invention would be the Internet.

5. Yes i am pretty sure that smart phones will eventually run PCs into the ground and become the number one Internet provider. No, I will continue to use a PC until its absolutely necessary for me to get a smart phone.

6. I do use my computer for everything because it helps run my life however it is a little scary that something as small as a smart phone can run peoples lives with a push of a button.  

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I think this cartoon has the straightforwardness of an extremely curious child. However, i do feel there is a hint of sarcasm hidden deep within. The cartoon draws in the audience through coloring, texture. The characters are believable and standout. Personally,  i consider this to be a very good cartoon. I also like the fact it honors veterans day. I feel it is our duty to honor our soldiers and war veterans that have continuously kept us safe from harm.