Friday, February 18, 2011

Interpret Editorial Cartoons



1. I think the interpretation of this editorial cartoon is trying to symbolize the fact that in Egypt their use of FaceBook has a cause they needed it for something but in America we use it everyday for simple things and just to chat, like its something of everyday life. 
2. I think that the point that is trying to come across with the second one is that there are two ladies that are chatting on Facebook and they are posting simple things, and on the newspaper it says  "Facebook tool for democratic change".  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Editorial Cartoons

To me, I believe that the first cartoon sort of symbolizes the controversy behind "Huckleberry Finn", when asked what the most offensive word is it should probably be the "N" word. However, it is extremely racist and morally wrong to acknowledge a black person with that slang.  The second cartoon i think symbolizes the fact that regardless of what happens to HF I don't think people will care. They will just continue on with their lives doing what they normally do. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Goals for the New Year

My first goal for the new year is to be a much better editor and leader then last semester. In the beginning i was thrust into being a leader and had no idea what i was doing. However, i learned from my mistakes and plan to divert all of my energy into being a better leader and listener to my staff and all of my commitments.

My second goal is to be sure to be a better writer and journalist before this year is over. I have written before but i plan to write significantly better and be more intertwined before this year is up.

However, my overall goal for this year is to make my advisor so proud of me that i will be remembered. I know a quote that says good guys are never remembered well i plan to overwrite that rule. I will do my best to make the entire staff proud of me and make my advisor, Mrs. Wilson, beam with delight. Knowing that there is peace in the workstation brings me relaxation and comfort.