Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ok little freshmen listen up

In order to thrive and succeed at BETA you actually need to WANT to be here. If you are here because your parents are making you you will be miserable. If you actually want to learn and are talented scholars your are going to have a grand old time. You will want to first make friends with the right people. Find smart people that can help you with homework unless you cant get a teacher. Always be polite and courteous to the teachers it will make your life that much better. I don't mean brown nosing but be kind. Always do your homework because homework especially in math and science go back to the quizzes and tests so if you know what your doing on the homework more then likely you will know what to do on the test. Don't let yourself be bullied stand up for yourself regardless of the person who is bullying you. And lastly, make sure to have lots of fun! If you have fun you wont be as stressed out and you will thrive.

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