Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Self Assesment

I personally don't really understand the concepts of self-assesments because it just makes it seem like your tooting your own horn and talking highly about yourself but in all honesty i do possess a significant amount skills that contribute to the newspaper.
1. Listening Skills: I am told that I am a very good listener I do my best to evaluate a situation and i do my best to give the best advice i can. I'm labeled the school psychologist because everybody comes to me with their problems. I don't mind it because it makes me sound useful.
2. Writing Skills: When it comes to writing an essay or a speech I can writing about a page and a half in less then forty minutes and still have it be a pretty good essay. I have big insights that allow me to put all of my emotions into writing. I have never gotten lower or higher then a 3 on all of my TAKS essays and I have made Bs and/or higher in all of my High School essays.
3. Speaking Skills: I certainly know how to talk thats for sure. I placed 5th with a perfect score from a judge of 35/35 for persuasive Speaking and now I'm signing up for debate so needless to say my speaking is just fine.
4. Interpersonal Skills: I work well within a team and can either be a leader or a follower I prefer to follow because I dislike making the decisions but I'm usually thrown into being the leader in a group of misfits so there are times i need to adjust, I am extremely polite as tons of people can and will tell you, and going into depth i certainly don't beat around the bush when I speak or when i write.
5. Curiosity and Awareness: Where I come from you need to be aware of EVERYTHING!! that goes on around you , that can usually mean a life or death situation. I am a very curious person and I like to get into other peoples business and I am very aware of almost everything that goes on at school.
6. Self-direction: I certainly don't need to be pushed to do anything I already do almost everything myself. I certainly don't mind a helping hand but i can lead myself if that is what your asking.
7. Self Confidence: I got up and danced a routine with my dance partner in front of the ENTIRE school. That clearly shows I'm not shy.

The only thing that i think i could work on is my communication skills

1. Communication skills: I can communicate with others fine but going into detail with words to me is difficult. Which is why I choose to write because the words come to me because I believe paper is more patient then man. I have a hard time of catching my words i find it to be a bit more difficult then writing. Speaking is fine but getting the point across to me is a bit of a challenge.

  • I need to practice my communication skills with another person who fully understands me so i can be told what I am doing wrong.
  • I need to be able to catch my words and ask myself the question of what I want this person to do before I ask this person.
  • I need to be able to not be so afraid of hurting other peoples feelings that is what slurs up my words when I'm trying to be constructive. 

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