Thursday, October 7, 2010

Memoirs of Bullied Kid

The only thing i can say to this blog is WOW! I never expected something to be so deep and touching. It made me extremely uncomfortable because i have experienced and have seen bulling first hand.I may not have been bullied as viciously as the author has but I know what it feels like. It hurts really bad when your the outcast or the freak. You think your world is going to end, NO you prey that your world is going to end so you don't have to be put through all of this suffering. The blog opened a few new experiences to me because i have heard what to do if you are bullied but not the tolls that it takes on you in later life. It's really horrible that people have committed suicide due to being bullied. It sounds horrible and unreal that the simple fact that this type of thing does happen. It's sad and i hope things change soon.

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