Friday, October 1, 2010

One of my Junior moments

I am officially a senior but my greatest moment was in my junior year when both me and my fantastic dance partner Siuly won the dance off at the school. We both danced to "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga and pulled out latin ballroom and hip-hop steps. It felt like an adrenaline rush and the crowd was on its feet screaming and cheering for us. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. Not only had i had so much fun but i was officially accepted into the popular cliche of school friends. Technically, my partner and I became dance celebrities at the school everybody knew us and we were loved. I had so many people come up to me and ask "are you the guy with those awesome dance moves?" i had one person ask for my autograph. It was really funny but I loved it not for the attention but for the first time i actually felt liked by others. This was the beginning of my awesome school life. I have many thanks to give but none more then my dance partner Siuly: She is the greatest friend ever.

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